In the first trick of this book I taught you how to make thousands of folder but if you want to create some folder according to desire then this trick is going to help you a lot.
For this follow the steps given below….
Step 1: click win+r for opening run command.
Step 2: Type notepad in the given dialog box and press enter.
Step 3: copy the code given below to the notepad
@ echo off
title folder creator by aman roy
: b
color 3a
echo //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
echo { aman hacking }
echo { easy folder creator by aman roy }
echo { press any key to create a folder }
echo \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
title creating folder :- aman roy
md %random%
goto b
goto end
Step 4: save it to folder creator.bat
All Done!
This is the window of folder creator
This is a batch file which is used in making folder. How many time you press any key it makes a folder with random names. It is very easy to use.